Friday, November 29, 2013

Respecting your inbox

It will never stop, like a water dripping from the  the tap, emails will continue to come into our inbox on daily basis. We may want to control them (more on that later) but at some point we need to manage our inbox. It is possible!

Years ago we had a Hotmail and Yahoo accounts  and everything would  just filter into it and we just managed to scan through the information. Today things have changed, we have multiple projects and people we are connected with are managing communication is important.
Three strategies to implement

1st  Use folders
Creating folders to manage the email coming into your inbox is the best to way to manage your emails and your daily  activities. There are many emails you can view later in the day or week, and some you can just delete!  
Having folders gives you the ability to handle what’s important in your day and what needs to be done that’s important

2nd  Manage your contacts
You can create folders with your contacts name  for ex  “Eric Swift” and put all the email coming from him in that selected  folder. This allow you to prioritize your contacts better and gives you an easier you way to track down previous email sent you to by this contact

3rd Priorities
Being able to prioritize what email need to answered first important task to complete to completed. This should not take long. Answers should be short and sweet. Then you will  get to secondary emails to be worked on
Recently Gmail made some upgrades separating your emails into primary, social and promotional. This should make it easier to view and then organize your emails for the day.

We are in the 21st Century and emails will be part of the fabric of daily business life. Taking some of the steps above will make it easier to manage and bring some results to your day.

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