Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Better to be 3-hours too early….

Perhaps Shakespeare had time to burn but as a business owner or department heads, we don’t. I think for us “better 15 minutes too early then a minute too late” fits better.William-Shakespeare-007
Which raises an interesting point. Why is it when I go around a room of business owners and department heads and ask “what is your #1 issue?” 60%, yes 60% reply….Time Management.
What? Still?  How many books on Time Management do we need?
It really is as easy as Covey says “put first things first”.
If you are still struggling with Time Management (and 60% of you are) then here are my 2 Secrets, my 2 EASY Secrets, to enable you to breakthrough:
   Secret #1:  Funfocused1ocus & Commitment
Your business is not the problem…unfortunately you are the problem! You are unfocused and unaccountable. Weekly define the “first thing” and put it first and then the second and third.  How easy is that?But put Secret #2 first…
   Secret #2:  Yes – have a VISION
To put first things first, you need to know the end game and you don’t.  You haven’t defined where you want to go, why you want to be there and what you will do when you get there.  Frankly, you are spending more time with your vacation itinerary then you are on your business itinerary.

Bonus Secret #3:  Stop Trying
If Secret #2 and Secret #1 don’t work for you then typically you are saying to yourself “I’ll TRY”. How’s that working for you? Stop. Stop trying and start doing. Stop breaking systems that work because they make you uncomfortable. Guess what SUCCESS is UNCOMFORTABLE!
Want to learn more about Time Management then first stop reading and again start doing because no book will change it for you. You have to change.
Want 39 Practical Time Management Tips? Grab a copy of my book CHAOS and read pages 79 – 81.
Want to permanently do away with Procrastination and all other Time Management issues?  Then get focused and accountable and check out this resource clicking HERE.
To end the chaos and fire fighting…every…single…week, week after week, month after month even year after year for heavens sake you need to check out this resource. Click HERE right NOW!
You owe it to yourself to reconnect to the dream you once had of your business ownership or portfolio management experience. This resource will really help.

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