Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Time Management: Now For Steps #8, #9

I've previously shared 8 of 10 Steps to correct your Time Management issue.  They were:
Step #1:  Set the Objective and reverse engineer the process
Step #2:  Chunk Down
Step#3:  START the work
Step #4:  Negotiate time & interruptions with stakeholders
Step #5:  Time Block & Batch Process
Step #6:  "Put the first thing first" (Stephen Covey)
Step #7:  Write down Weekly commitments
Step #8:  Reward & Recognize and sometimes......punish

View previous articles Steps 1&2 Read more
View previous articles Steps 3-5 Read more 
But I also shared that the idea you can fix your time management issues is all a HOAX, a sham, perpetuated by "business coaches" and consultants who want billable hours to build revenue from the same business pain over and over again.
It is only with our final steps #9 & #10, the 2-True Easy Steps To Conquer Time Management,  the 2-Steps no "business coach" or consultant dare share or lose billing hours, that the solution to Time Management can be found.
Well here are the  2-True Easy Steps To Conquer Time Management,  the 2-Steps no "business coach" or consultant dare share or lose billing hours, because they are the only way to fix your time management.
Step #9:  Recognize, Accept and Do something about it because all Time Management issues are about FEAR!
If you are typical and I don't mean to suggest you are typical, but if you are a typical business owner, then all your Time Management issues exist because of your FEAR to do something!
That's right your...FEAR to do something!
To do what?  How about FEAR to HIRE someone to do some of your work?  How about FEAR to do WORK that you don't know how to do?
Whatever the FEAR, it prompts you to work at the "Minor Many" where you are comfortable, instead of the "Major Few" that will actually advance your business to the kind of successes you want.
Step #10:  Be the "Business-Warrior!
I have written and spoken extensively this year about the idea of being the Business-Warrior.  Just be the WARRIOR!
This is the most effective cure for your Time Management woes.  Be better today then you were yesterday, be better tomorrow then you are the Business-Warrior; hold on to the major Objectives to be achieved, believe there is no option but to achieve them, let nothing stand in your way....especially yourself.
Done!  Be The Business-Warrior.
For the full story on how to be the Business-Warrior go here @ - The Art of War and its value to Small Business.
Want to get even MORE about out  the 10-Easy Steps to Conquer Time Management then check out this resource right HERE
BONUS Step #11Do or Do Not There is No Try!
If you want to be successful, if you want to earn a position of leadership in your industry, if you want to achieve the financial results that have thus far eluded you THEN STOP TRYING!
Seriously, if you remove the word "try" from your vocabulary and accept there is ONLY Do or Do Not (as the great Yoda tells us in Star War V), then you will never again have a Time Management issue.
I can't believe there are still business owners that are faced with Time Management issues with all that has be written about Time Management in teh past.  It is really inexcusable.
I've now shared our 10-Easy Steps to Conquer Time Management.  If you're still STUCK then you need to remedy the problem click HERE for the perfect resource to get you back to business health & wealth.
If you seriously want to become a Business-Warrior and set aside Time Management and so many other issues of business FOCUS & Accountability, then do what hundreds of other Business-Warriors have done before you and click right HERE
James Burgess
Author of CHAOS; How Busines Leaders Can Master The Power Of Focus

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