Sunday, January 22, 2012

3 Reasons to participate Podcast

Internet has changed the way we can access information to enhance our journey of success. Many of us would like to attend events and meet new people and have face to face contact and shake hands. There are others who may not have the time to do than and can now participate online at their own leisure. 

Podcast is a new an informative way to sharing your experience and learn from experts in various fields. You can attend live podcasts that may occur as specific time and day or may listen to recorded podcast from previous years. This gives you the flexibility to work with your schedule and make it successful event of your day.

You can learn about upcoming podcasts from newsletters you may subscribe to, networking event you may attend or from online social contacts you may have on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Process is simple you register and will receive notification when podcast will begin. Recommend you have a paper and pen available or open a work document to make quick notes.

1st Experience

 You will learn from experience professionals on specific topics that could give you insights on topics and areas that of interest for you from social media to job career advancement. Give you access to professionals you have learned lessons from their failures and are now sharing them for you to succeed and enhance your career.
 Podcast  are done variety of subjects that are given by experience professionals that gives you insights and information to avoid failure and enhance your ability to succeed in your industry.
Perhaps you made a resolution to have new experience and participate in event done different by professionals that you may not meet on your journey due to distance or location. Having a virtual teacher that you can communicate give you the ability to shorten the learning gap on a specific topic and get the correct information to achieve your success.
podcast and many other social media communication experience that will have a huge effect on the learning experience in the 21st experience. Professional are willing to share the experience at no cost to you which is incredible opportunity to learn from the best, the same information may cost your hundreds of dollars in attending a seminar in person.

2nd information

information that you will learn you will be able to excel in your journey of business, life and success. It’s important to make sure you apply information as quickly as possible to generate momentum for a desired result.  Keep notes about the presentation preferably on a word document so you can go back and review notes easily.
Much time s the information shared has easy application process and could only take less the fifteen minutes to apply. Social media plug-ins and downloads of puff files and books are in very quick order. Have the sense of urgency to get the task completed.
3rd Resources   
Now that you have these resources available feel free to leverage or share this with your social network. Attach a link to your Face book, LinkedIn & Twitter feeds. Share you experience in a short message.
You can also include resource on your newsletters and group you belong to on LinkedIn and other social media sites you have access to.

This gives you great opportunity to be expert in training sharing this information which create a resource  that will be more vibrant and willing to communicate in the future

Moral of Story: Attend a podcast and make it a new experience. Learn something new about subject that you have been interested in.

Podcast done by Jim Pagiamtzis below
Craig Elias, Mark Gordon and Jim Pagiamtzis talking about the Art of Networking 

Interviewed by Phil Taylor on How to attract mentor for Business, Life and Success
Interviewed by Phil Taylor on How to become a Networking Success

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