Sunday, October 9, 2022

Mr Harrigan's Phone (2022): Movie Review


                                                                    Jim's review

 Let's get one thing out of the way first. I am huge fan of Stephen King!  If you haven not read his book A Memoir of the Craft On Writing then stop reading and get a copy a read it!  A think and powerful book to read and understand a little bit on how Mr. King does his writing and how can learn from it.

Now to the movie based on a short story it involves Craig (Jaeden Martell) who befriends Mr. Harrigan (Donald Sutherland) at a very young cage, for the sole purpose to read him books.

As time passes Jaeden grows and he continues to read some classic book. Until he high school years when he gets a cell phone and decided to give one to Mr. Harrigan. It seemed like a nice gesture but very quickly turns out to be very sinister as Mr. Harrigan passes away and the phone is still active.!

He does what any sensible person would do and takes it to store to get it clean and dispose of all the data. End of story right! WRONG...

The phone still communicating with him!  he goes to priest and anyone else who will listen to no avail.

Then things get weird and instead of dealing with thing head on he goes to the phone and ask Mr. Harrington to help with his problem, and of course he does, and this sends Craig down the rabbit hole of dispair.

Some of the supporting characters are truly have some epic performances Kenny Yankovitch (Cyrus Arnold) who a truly menacing impact in every scene he is in. 

He tries to investigate has more questions then answers he needs.

As you get to the climatic third act there are more consequence to his actions and the ramifications of all he had learned were more of passage of time than anything else.

Stephen King is a gift writer and some his book should be left to hold there own.

                                                                     6 out of 10 stars

                                                                 Movie Plot:

Craig, a young boy, befriends the elderly billionaire John Harrigan. Craig then gives him a mobile phone. However, when the man dies, Craig discovers that he can communicate with his friend from the grave.


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