Sunday, September 14, 2014

Six things to avoid doing when speaking to a group

The journey of become a great involves the ability to being able to share you expertise on a topic and also handle different parts of act before and after you share. 

Communication is a flow of conversation your have with the organizer before the event the participants during the event and then post event feedback from both organizer and participants

It is important to have communication with the organizer. They have hold the key to you have a successful event. 

Details for how many people will be attending?  Technology needs from do you need to bring your own laptop, projector, screen?  If they supply that is it compatible with your equipment

Can you offer special deals during your presentation? Can you sell at the back of the room?
What has the audience bought in the past?

The ability to engage with your audience rest on you being prepared with your topic, knowing your time limit and working toward creating ongoing engagement all they until your close.


Having a relevant topic to share, this goes back to communication with the organizer as mentioned earlier. The may give you suggestions of topics that I have been share in the past, you don’t want to share the same topic as other speakers. Creating engagement is about understanding the needs and wants of the audience and the organizer holds the key to that!


Being able to engage and work with the audience is a very important part of your talk. This where your skills and strengths come in as being an engaging, energetic and teacher come in to play. Every audience is different and as you continue to grow you speaking profile you will come aware of when you participants are paying attention or when they text on their iPhone!


Many speakers rely on technology to do their talks from using fancy powerpoint to illustrate their expertise or point, it come with one warning  technology will fail you!  I have seen it to many times and be part of it myself.  You may be prepared for the day but it does happen from powerpoint clicker not working, loosing power to software malfunctioning. In many cases you can fix it and move on. In some case you may have to do it freestyle with no powerpoint!

This come back to being prepared and knowing your topic. As mentioned earlier you should be able to do with your slides. 

Post event

After the event is very import also to communicate with the organizer to get feedback on the talk, collect feedback forms (if they were used) and book the next date to speak!

In the end you these six strategies will have you save time and energy and deliver an impactful and energetic presentation that will yield results.

Learn more ago to 21 Connections to see the rest of articles on Presentation Magic Read more

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