Monday, September 5, 2011

Special Letter to Get Connected Make Wealth Happen

 Going out  and sharing the Get Connected Make Wealth Happen experience yields great feedback.

Hi Jim,

You don't know me yet, but I've been meaning to email you for some time now. I've read about you, and articles by you. It was your advice of "The secret to your success is your daily routine" that I have taken to heart. I have implemented 2-3 daily routines that have completely changed my health, and the quality of my work. It was your recommended reading "Think And Grow Rich" which made some interest point Business, Life, Success.

We share one common interest - becoming effective networkers, and helping others grow themselves and their businesses. I've followed in your footsteps and have been studying this area of business called networking, religiously. My long-term goal is to set up an entrepreneurship school, where student's learn not by reading, studying, or sitting in a classroom, but where student's DO and create RESULTS. This is, as Napoleon Hill calls it, one of my two most BURNING DESIRES.

I admire you and your desire to help others, and it would be my pleasure to be of service to you. If there is any way in which I can help you, Willows Book Store, or Metroactive... if there is any challenge you're facing or an opportunity that you're going after right now, just let me know.

Enjoy your long weekend Jim!


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