Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Book store and much more....

During the past couple of years I have been going to books store in the Annex (Bathurst and Bloor) where I found many types of books from biographies, personal development to how. As you walk in you get a feeling that you’re not in the 21st Century but entering a world that covers many topics throughout the ages it has that majestic feeling of the past with the people who represent the present.
In the past year there have been some interesting developments with the bookstore which can provide some inspiration to entrepreneurs that thinking and applying ideas with an “outside the box” do work.
As I sat down and had conversation with David (current owner) regarding his near decision to quit and close the store but instead has a brilliant idea that could allow him to keep the store and do the something GREAT!
“Never Quit” Winston Churchill
So the journey began to sublease parts of the store to other business to give the store a different feel and perhaps attract different customer to the store. He would offer minimum 3 month rent for the potential business owner and see what happens after that.
With some clever advertising online he found a business that offered clothing that could use the spacious basement. It took some time and effort to remove the thousands of books through donations and selling to clear the space and make it ready. When it was it revealed a fantastic area that has great display for clothes but also an art studio!
Lily has been extremely pleased with the store since she moved in January 2009 and has great expectation for 2010.
There has been some other business have come and gone last year but as David explained in the interview. “ they have to have that entrepreneurial mindset that you are in business and have to work on it and be available to make it work”
In October 2009 the next business was secured which was to use the middle of the part of the store. Music was to be the theme and guitars were the instrument that were being sold by Kelly and Yasin experience duo who brought their passion and expertise and were reward with some tremendous results so far.
Utilizing the social networking website My Space they created a short and effective infomercial to promote the store and have created some great feedback and comments that has propelled their marketing and promoting, strong word of mouth has been also effective.
In November of 2009 Revaz Mekvabishvili join the Willow and is used the back part of the store called Alternative Thinking consisting of various books on the paranormal, alternative healing and much more
During the past couple of years this has been an interest for myself and was looking forward to the response this area would get in the near future days to come.
Revaz has some great online website and is looking forward to connect and attracting new customers.
During the past 10 years the Annex has changed landscape and in order for business to survive they must adapt with Willow has done. Attracting 3 new businesses and more to come in the future David has proven that having a “no quit” attitude and imagination and initiative to make it happen has brought an inspiring story for other to learn from.
For more information on Willows call David at 416-534-2665
Guitarwise call Kelly or Naddim at 416-827-2478 or email at
Alternative Thinking call Revaz Mekvabishvilli at 416-879-2517 or email revaz@alternative-thinking .com /
Lily at Vintage_Ground 416-820-7477 or email
Writer of article
Jim Pagiamtzis Published writer, speaker and Elite Entrepreneur email / / call 1-866-407-7601

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