Monday, February 21, 2022

The Man who made things out of trees: Book Review



Jim's Review

Robert Penn had a fascination with trees so he did something so extravagant and beautiful with his vision and passion for it.

10 out of 10 stars

About book
An exuberant tale of craftsmanship for nature lovers and rugged outdoor types everywhere

Robert Penn cut down an ash tree to see how many things could be made from it. After all, ash is the tree we have made the greatest and most varied use of over the course of human history. Journeying from Wales across Europe and Ireland to the USA, Robert finds that the ancient skills and knowledge of the properties of ash, developed over millennia making wheels and arrows, furniture and baseball bats, are far from dead. The book chronicles how the urge to understand and appreciate trees still runs through us all like grain through wood. learn more and buy book

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