Thursday, September 23, 2010

Email friends about joining Facebook!

1. Got http://facebook and login to your account
2. In the main Search box, type in " Your name here"
3. When my picture comes up, click "Add Friends"
4. Finally, click on the "Add Jim Pagiamtzis as Your Friend button".

If you don't have a Facebook account,
1. Go to and click on "Sign Up" button
2.Fill in you information, and click "Sign Up Now!"
3. Once you register you e-mail, you can connect to me as a friend on Facebook by doing steps 1 through 3 above.

It's a simple process, and it's well worth it. Here's an example that I got from a Facebook friend

A friend of mine wanted to product her upcoming album of world music with a particular record label, a was unable to connect with anybody at the company. I said to her "try finding one of the executives on Facebook and just message them"

Guess what? It worked

If you're not on Facebook, you're missing business opportunities.
If you're not on Facebook, you're missing in-person social opportunities
if you're not on Facebook, you're losing out on profit.

And if you don't get onot Facebook, you'll miss one of the biggest shifts in communication trends known to humanity.

On Facebook, you can stay in touch with me more often, getting more personal stories about my life transformations, including pictures and videos.

On Facebook , you can get in touch with people I know, I've connected lots of people in my community together , resulting in employment, business, relationships, charities, mastermind teams, and spiritual journeys. Now I let Facebook be the main infrastructure to cultivate the growth of that community.


1. Got http://facebook and login to your account
2. In the main Search box, type in " your name here"
3. When my picture comes up, click "Add Friends"
4. Finally, click on the "your name here as Your Friend button".

P.S. if you don't ahve a Facebook account

. Go to and click on "Sign Up" button
2.Fill in you information, and click "Sign Up Now!"
3. Once you register you e-mail, you can connect to me as a friend on Facebook by doing steps 1 through 3 above.

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