Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Success Story

Hello, my name is Vicky Lopez. I am 48 years old and I teach grade one at a public school. In order to keep active during my work day, I have been walking during my lunch hour. When the lunch bell rings, I lace up my running shoes and head out my classroom door. While most of the teaching staff head to the staff room to eat their lunches, I head down the hall and start my rounds. I walk all around the school and up and down the stairs for about 25-30 minutes. Sometimes I am joined by my very fit 62-yr-old good friend Geni. Believe it or not, I have to run to keep up with her! She is an amazing walker. I recently bought myself a pedometer to count my steps, and by the end of my work day I have usually taken 10,000 steps. I have been walking during my lunch hour for over six years and I love it. It gives me the energy to return to the classroom and take care of my students! I also attend a gym a few times a week. I think that exercise has definitely improved my physical health, as well as my mental health. I just love it!

Story submitted through the ParticipACTION Wall of Inspiration - Quebec

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