Monday, June 10, 2024

My battle with insomina: Feature article


                                                           What can cause Insomnia?

January 2024

It was Saturday January 8,2024 and I went to be bed and normally did for all my life.

Until this night that I something was very wrong, I couldn't fall asleep!

I had heard about insomnia in movies and friends and family telling me about it  but when it happened to me it truly scared me to my core.

Quickly made an appointment and visited my family doctor on Tuesday morning.

I had lots of questions and my doctor was very calm and prescribed me a drug to take for 5 days. It was so small I cut them half to last me ten days!

Happy to report that I finally got some good night sleep by weeks end!

"I value my beauty sleep" Jim Pagiamtzis

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