Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Spin Doctors: How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the COVID-19 Pandemic: Book Review


Jim's Review

The covid19 Pandemic did affect us in so many ways. Too many people hurt and died from this terrible pandemic

Noral Loreto goes through the days and months and covers all the details on what happened and how it was handles. There were numerous failures by government, media. politicians and those who wrote about it.

Recommended read to learn from and make sure it does not happen ever again!

8 out of 10 stars

About book

As Canada was in the grips of the worst pandemic in a century, Canadian media struggled to tell the story. Newsrooms, already run on threadbare budgets, struggled to make broader connections that could allow their audience to better understand what was really happening, and why. Politicians and public health officials were mostly given the benefit of the doubt that what they said was true and that they acted in good faith.

This book documents each month of the first year of the pandemic and examines the issues that emerged, from racialized workers to residential care to policing. It demonstrates how politicians and uncritical media shaped the popular understanding of these issues and helped to justify the maintenance of a status quo that created the worst ravages of the crisis. Spin Doctors argues alternative ways in which Canadians should understand the big themes of the crisis and create the necessary knowledge to demand large-scale change.learn more

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