Saturday, December 15, 2018

Founder (2016): Movie Review


               Jim Pagiamtzis review
                Michael Keaton portrays Ray Kroc in a masterful way. His shares the journey of failure to success and the journey he went on to become the most iconic name in ever!  You will look at the golden arches little differently after you see this film.

          10 of 10 stars

               Movie plot:
                 The true story of how Ray Kroc (Michael Keaton), a struggling salesman from Illinois, met Mac (John Carroll Lynch) and Dick McDonald (Nick Offerman), who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers' speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. Kroc soon maneuvers himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a multi-billion dollar empire.


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