Monday, October 8, 2018

Special Guest post: Cyber Tip #7 - Hisham Qaddoumi

Passwords are great, they are the key locks to our giant data vaults. People love them because they are short, friendly and easy to remember. 
Throughout the recent years a lot of hacks occurred on peoples passwords, especially the simple and weak ones, which pushed the internet sites to push people for a more complicated and stronger password that are harder to be cracked but still, in the age of technology advancements it takes a Super Computer about 15 minutes to crack a “strong” password so it’s probably time to consider Passphrases.

Passphrase are almost uncrackable, but they are long and possibly impossible to remember and that’s why people hate them but here are some few easy steps to create a memorable strong Passphrase:

1- Think of a real phrase that relates personally to you that is not that long and easy for you to 
remember like “My favorite US City is New York”.

2- Now encode this phrase by eliminating spaces, cutting some words shorts, using small and capital letters and replace some letters with numbers and symbols to be something like: 
“MyFavU5C!ityi$NY”. That was easy right?

3- If you’re afraid to make multiple mistakes while typing is in the password box because you can’t see what you type, use a text editor like Notepad to type it then copy & paste it to your browser.

4- Most importantly: DON’T use the password in this tip as it just became public.
Have a happy and safe surfing.

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