Sunday, October 21, 2018

Journey to joining Ocean 48 Cast: Knock Knock film


             Saturday October 20,2018


         Little history first.

            I did this last year and had lots of fun with a great crew. I played uber driver who gets murdered.

          Prior to shoot.

     This year I joined as an individual and didn't get details until Saturday morning. The premise of this challenge is that you have a topic, prop and words that have to be used in the film.

       During the message in the morning they mention we need workout clothes, headband. I thought about it for a few minutes that I had a headband and workout clothes that I can bring, they responded bring them!

           I got picked up around 9:30am and arrived at a Condo in the Yonge and Eglinton area at 10:00am

         We got in the condo and there was cast and crew everywhere!  We got met and waited to get started. I showed the director my clothes and headband and he was okay with them.

          It took another hour for everything to get set up.

        The email
        I got an email if I was interested in working an event on Saturday at 4:00pm. I went to the director and told him the situation and he agreed we would do my scene first ready and would be done and I could go.

         At 12:00pm we started film and were done in 1hr and I left and wished everyone good luck!

           Before the film, ready to get picked up

      At the Yonge and Eglinton location

Jim Pagiamtzis and crew

actors ready

cast and crew meeting

production getting ready

hair and make up

In the hall way filming

Jim Pagiamtzis being instructed

jim pagiamtzis getting ready

the slate being prepard

in the hallway

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