Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Special Guest post: Cyber Tip #23- Hisham Qaddoumi

CyTip 23:
A lot of websites are telling you that they will give you some “Free” stuff online. The only thing you have to do is fill out a form with extremely personal information sometimes. It’s highly recommended you DON’T comply with their request because:

1- Most of them are collecting your data and selling it to others. Sometimes NOT even anonymized. You can’t guarantee the integrity of these sites nor the way they handle you most intimate data and who will they sell it to.

2- Even if they are honest people, you can’t guarantee the integrity of the people they sell your data to. Most of vetting processes for companies who collect data (even the well-known corporation) as flawed and unreliable. You don’t want this data to fall in the wrong hands after all.

3- If you guarantee the integrity of all who will handle your data you can’t guarantee they’re not breached or hacked one day and your data WILL fall then in the very wrong hands. No one can guarantee a 100% secured platform.
After all it’s important to understand that NOTHING is free, and data is the new oil to corporation. Be careful when you submit this data.

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