Friday, October 5, 2018

Special Guest post: Cyber Tip #1 - Hisham Qaddoumi

        Mostly all kids nowadays have a smart device or two in their pockets that helps them to connect to the wold but might also be a source of abuse or dangerous exposure. As a parent you can minimize the dangers of these devices by following these simple recommendations:

1- Create a sub profile on these devices with no admin access to avoid them installing or using the device as admins and let them only log to these profiles.

2- Install known and trusted anti-virus apps and also parental apps to be aware how they use their devices and protect them from viruses and all kinds of malwares and spywares.

3- And most importantly keep an open communication channel with an open mind and heart and always talk to them. They might be exposed to cyber abuse or trying to access improper content because they experience emotional or physical shifts in that age. Let them feel they’re safe to talk to you about anything no matter how embarrassing it might sound to them.

Remember, they didn’t choose to come to this world by themselves, while you signed up to be their parent the moment you decided to have them. All kids are amazing and they’re counting on you to be an amazing parent so be one.

Have a happy and safe surfing.
#Cybersecurity #CybersecurityAwarenessMonth #CyberAwareness


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