Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Canada Job Expo huge success
It was an amazing day at the Canada Job Expo on May 28th. We had amazing line-up of speaker and employers from various industries, financial services, marketing, hiring agencies, pharmaceuticals and many more.
I had also invited Susan Fox Founder of Creative Links, she was going to share her Numerology with some of the attendees. Susan Fox had a attended a social media event that I had done few weeks earlier and where I shared information on networking and joint ventures. We had connected after the event and upon here suggestion we had coordinated with Canada Job Expo organizer to allow her to share (huge thanks to Sudip Mukarajee)
It also had some very special guest come by and connect briefly during the day. David Ayling and George Stavrou and Jennifer Romain.
Special Thanks to Jennifer Romain, we had met at the May 22nd in Toronto with the White Collar Socials (meet up group)
I had shared insight on Cash flow game we are having in Toronto on June 20th. She was very intrigued by the game and had never heard of Robert Kiyosaki books or his teachings. I brought her a copy of the Cash flow Quadrant to read (his second book).
Bloomberg wired services was there taking pictures! (were making it big time)
Huge thanks to all the speakers and special guest and attendees. Our next Canada Job Expo is in July
For more information on events mentions scroll to the bottom.
Speakers lineup for the day
Jim Pagiamtzis and Aline Ayoub
Jim Pagiamtzis and Susan Fox
Jim Pagiamtzis, Maria Judas and Jennifer Romain
Centennial College booth
More information on White Collar Socials
Learn more
Cash flow game on June 20th
Learn more about game
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Book Review: The Real Sexy, Smart and Strong
Enjoyed reading this amazing book by David Patchell-Evans. Founder of GoodLife Fitness. Living the Good Life his first book was awesome. This book is brilliant, fantastic and awesome! Below are some insights from various chapters.
" I titled this book The Real Sexy, Smart, and Strong with emphasis on the real. So often we are seduced by the media images of what "sexy" means and we are convinced that there is no way we could match them. In today's society, "smart" often means being clever rather than having the deep intelligence that resides in the harmony of mind and body. "Strong" has come to mean powerful-as in getting your own way-or it revokes images of bodybuilders. All these are just illusions. They distort what sexy, smart and strong really are.
"There is only what works for you. However, there is one requirement: you must participate. You must move. Use it or lose it still applies to your body!"
"Half an hour, three times a week-that's all it takes to become fit and healthy ans to stay that way. Sounds too good to believe, doesn't it? I'll bet you've been told that if you're going to get into exercising, you really have to "apply yourself" before you see any results. Most people think that means spending hours every week on some exercise machine or lifting weights."
"The truth is that if you spend only thirty minutes, three times a week, doing some kind of fitness activity-particularly a combination of stretching, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise that you enjoy-within six months you will be better physical shape than 90% of the population. Fitness isn't hard. It's easy. What's hard is being unfit."
"When life hits you broadside, respond with the big A, your attitude. And follow your big A with the three E's energy, excitement and enthusiasm"
"UN-LIMIT YOURSELF" David Patchell-Evans
"Most of the limitation you think you have are the ones you have decided on. They are often entirely self-imposed. You might think, "I can't do this, I can't do that, I would never do that, my parents could never do that, I never played baseball, I've never climbed a mountain, I never, never,never.." -it's the old broken record in your head. Throw out that negative thinking right now! Learn to play a positive message in your head because it's all about attitude. After all, you are becoming the real, sexy,smart and strong!:
"Most of us sell ourselves short. We think that because we're aging, or we were no good in physical education class at school, or we're too short, too tall, too skinny, too fat, etc that we are limited. When we let these limitations dictate, we compromise our quality of life."
" Many of us spend our adult years shrinking into our limitations rather than expanding into our potential."
"Perfection is an illusion" David Patchell-Evans
"Exercise can give you an inner and outer radiance that makes people notice you."
"It is our conviction that working out a few times a week can add as many as nine years to your life."
"Being in good shape, means you can sustain your sexual activity for a much longer period of time with great frequency over your entire life."
"All kinds of self-help book teach you that confidence is an attitude- and it is. But its not just about your state of mind; its also about your body. Did you know that you can alter your level of self assurance simple by standing taller?"
"Your posture is a major factor in enabling you to feel confident and attractive. It's not your individual features that count most, it's how you carry your whole body"
"Every time you go for a walk in the woods, step onto an exercise treadmill, or swim laps in the pool, tell yourself, "I'm getting smarter!" It's a double whammy- healthy body, healthy brain."
"Having a stimulating hobby, setting new goals at work, or learning a new language all have positive effects on your mental health and on our mind's ability to function"
"Laughter can be important part of wellness program. In fact upon discovering the healing effects of laughter, some teachers in India started laughter circles in their classrooms, The first thing children in their classrooms do in the morning is stand up and laugh for two minutes. I'd like to see that in all schools and workplaces. There is also a form of yoga called Laughter Yoga that has become quite popular all over the world"
For more information go the link below
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Monday, May 27, 2013
Book Review: The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
I finally had a chance to read this #1 Best Seller and International Phenomenon book by Timothy Ferris. I hope you get to read this book review, if you do a Big Thank you!
I have been blogging since January 2009 and it was been interesting journey for sure. From by first blog post been written and shared on two other website. Created a referral within 48hrs! (I was a memorable experience for sure). Since then I have continued to write article on topics from networking, mentorship and social media.
In mid 2011 I begin to write a Spotlight feature where I interview various connections in my networking and ask they two dynamics questions and they supplied they answers! 50 interview later I put the book online and began to get some great reviews. Took it a step further and began to bring these amazing professionals and entrepreneurs to share at my local events in Toronto,Ont and the feedback was awesome.
Lastly I have successfully leverage numerous articles into paid speaking opportunities, being hired because of articles and videos I have made on You Tube by a very well known and big social media company based in Boston.(let you figure that out!)
It bring met to the point how this information ties into the information share in this book. The power of action, leverage and automation is powerful internet commodity to use in what ever expertise you have.
I truly believe the 4-Hour work week strategy works. It's about taking the Learn. Do and Apply attitude to make it happen.
Below are some great insights from the book I wanted to share
On the power of You:
" Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think."
Difference between Being Effective vs. Being Efficient
"Effectiveness is doing the things that get you closer to your goals. Efficiency is performing a given task (whether important or not) in the most economical manner possible. Being efficient without regard to effectiveness is the default mode of the universe."
How to handle your email and phone calls better
1. Create systems to limit your availability via email and phone and deflect inappropriate contact.
Get the auto-response and voice mail script in place now, and master the various methods of evasion. Replace the habit of "How are you?" with "How can I help you?" Get specific and remember-no stories. Focus on immediate actions. Set and practice interruption-killing policies.
Avoid meetings whenever possible:
- Use e-mail instead of face-to-face meetings to solve problems
- Beg off going (this can be accomplished through the Puppy Dog Close).
If meeting are unavoidable, keep the following in mind:
-Go with a clear set of objectives.
-Set an end time or leave early.
Favourite application Timothy Ferris loves to use:
This is perhaps the most impressive tool I've found last year, introduced to me by some of the most productive technologist in the world. Evernote eliminated more than 90% of the paper in my life and eliminated nearly all the multiple tabs I used to leave in my web browsers, both of which distracted me to end. It can clear out your entire office clutter in one to three hours.
Evernote allows you to easily capture information from anywhere using whatever device is at hand, and everything is then searchable (read;findable from anywhere.
Click to view website
The book has numerous other suggestion to make you your day more productive and automate you life and make money by following simple and easy to steps.
Look forward to Learn, Do and Apply the strategies in this amazing book.
For more information
Learn more from Blog
Message Master Special offer: Present like a Master
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Journey with my car and GPS
This is a journey about my car (Honda Civic Sir) and my GPS unit. I have traveled to all parts of Ontario from Niagara Falls to the west, North Bay to the north and Ottawa to the east and Ingersoll to the West. One constant digital companion I have had is my trusted GPS. I call here KATE stands for Know And Trust Entourage
It was be an interesting adventure having KATE guide me through the streets and tell me where to go. It's a one way conversation unfortunately. She talks and I listen! (women you can laugh now). That's the way it is, she says turn right at the following street so I turn right. Sometimes she says so interesting things like "make an illegal U-turn" and I say really? What if I get stopped for that, what do I tell the officer, Kate told me to do it!
As the years have passed KATE has been great to listen to, yet sometimes I do turn her off. (volume selection) reason being is a don't need her yet and I am enjoying listen to audio playing at the time.
Having a digital assistant has its advantages. It's a great conversation when I have guest in the passenger side, which is fairly often. I usually introduce them to KATE as my digital assistant or girlfriend sometimes! Recently my friend Bonnie Chan was with with as we were headed to a networking event in Vaughn and I introduced her to KATE and Bonnie Chan said without missing a beat ' Jim you have issues you have to find real girlfriend".
Patrick Bizindayvi Author and Speaker of Journeyman Stories says "at least you someone on your journey giving you some instructions!"
Honda Civic SiR
We had our moments where KATE always seems to have the up hand even when I think she is wrong in her statements. In a recent trip to Brampton where I had a speaking engagement at gold course. KATE says " You have arrived" I look around and said "really, where is the golf course". I proceeded to get straight and stop at local gas station and attendant said that golf course is down the street on my right. I went back to the original spot and surprise it was. KATE was right! In my defence the sign to the golf course faced horizontal and not vertical to traffic, hence why I didn't see it.
With all the technical devices I have today it feels like I am the Knight Rider with my own KITT (Tv show with David Hasselhoff in the 90's with talking car that went to save the day)
I have KATE giving me directions on my journey, audio playing giving inspiration, motivation and empowering strategies, Window Phone keeping my connected to the world and my trust iPad which I can use to make notes,audio recordings using Evernote (cool program). All that in one package!
Moral of story: It's great to have resources available on your journey of success from GPS, phone and of course living and breathing friends. put those together and you have interesting stories to share at various locations building your success network of the 21st Century
Yard Sale for the Cure a Huge Success on May 25th
It was an amazing Saturday to raise money for the cure for cancer. I met Kelly Zinger at the Live Green event in Toronto on April 12th. Her booth was across where I was volunteering with SwapSity's Swap Zone for the weekend. I bought Swiss army bag (see below) from her booth.
They were promoting the upcoming Yard Sale for the Cure event on Saturday May 25th all around Toronto. I have offered to donate various items for the event. She connected me with representative in the area and suggested some items to donate.
I am glad to share that the event was a huge success. Items that I were donated were sold!. From portable refrigerator, pink poker set, silver poker set, Hockey Night in Canada game, rattles and jamberee, various bobble heads and mini collectible hockey sticks.
Thousands of dollars were created for great cause
Click below for pictures of event
Sign promoting the day
Picture of Volunteers
Stuff for sale during the day
For more information on Yard Sale for the Cure
Learn more
Great story
Since April I have donated 15 boxes of books to the Goodwill in Toronto and created a fantastic library of books at Camaraderie Coworking in Toronto. Thanks for their support!
Moral of the stories: It's great to do some spring cleaning throughout the year and support some great causes.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
21 Connections Newsletter
Entrepreneurs of Port Credit weekly event featuring Jim Pagiamtzis on Power of Email Marketing using Constant Contact
De-activated my Facebook accound for entire week!
A unique social experiment took place on Friday May 10th at Camaraderie Coworking (2241 Dundas Street West 3rd floor)
Upon the challenge of Steve Dolson from 2 Social and Lyndon Johnson of Think differently they challenged me to get off Facebook for an entire week. Check out link below Check out video
It was an idea that I had been "thinking" about for a while but had not executed for many reasons. One of the main reasons was that I teach and train on social media and not being on Facebook would have not looked good. The main reason that I did do it was I know I was spending to much time on it!
On Friday May 17th was the one week mark of the social experiment and I made it! I was an experience and you know what? I am still of Facebook!
Here is what I learned from not being on Facebook for more that a week!
1st It's a huge time waster! Searching my timeline, talk to friends was good thing but that was it.
2nd. I got to focus more on being more productive and focused on the tasks for the day.
3rd. Spend time on Twitter and LinkedIn. As a matter of fact I spent two hours on Wednesday search the careers posting and at 3:00pm that day I had a phone interview.That was a powerful result!
4th I had better and productive meetings and email conversations regarding upcoming events and projects.
5th. Nobody has missed me on Facebook! I stand corrected one person has Arlene Gray texted me on the weekend asking if I had unfriended her on Facebook or she couldn't find me. I told her about the social experiment and she said "Good for you"
In the end I was glad I did it and the only thing I do miss is speaking to few friends and uploading pictures from event. Result is I can always call my friends and post pictures on Pinterest!
I have not activated my account and will not for now.
Moral of the story: I challenge you to step back and evaluate you social habits and see if they being productive or wasting your time and energy.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Book Review: Cold Hard Truth on Men, Women & Money by Kevin O'Leary
Kevin O'Leary and Cold Hard Truch on Men, Women & Money
It was interesting experience reading his 1st book "Cold Hard Truth" on my iPad! There were great insight how he grew up and the success he had in growing of the biggest software companies in the 90's Learning Centre and then selling it for billions of dollars. Of course he talks about money he lost it and made it back. Great story how he got involved in the Dragons Den and the journey them put he through, is worth the read just for that.
This second book he talks an interesting turn when his has an incident in Yorkville in Toronto when he "bumps" into a lady who asks him a questions which spurned this book.
My business parter Patrick Bizindavyi Speaker and Author of Journeyman Stories blog Learn more can relater to this story when he the same thing happened to him "bumping" into a guy on Yonge Street which forever change his journey!
Because of that conversation Kevin O'Leary takes on a journey on how to deal with life every step of the way from the time your born to your twilight years. He straight forward and pulls no punches in his suggestions regarding pernuptial agreements to loaning money to friends.
There are numerous straight forward exercises that he highly recommends you do and explains the reason for doing them. It's like having him in your wallet (read the book to get this joke!)
I did have chance to meet him in October 2011 at the CBC building for the launch of 7th Season of the Dragons Den Show.
Here is exactly what happened:
Jim: Hi Kevin great to meet you (shook his hand)
Kevin: Hi. (he signs a card with his name on it)
Jim. I give him my business card which says "Get Connected Make Wealth Happen"
Kevin. He looks at both sides and puts in a folder and I move on
Jim. Not sure what he was thinking when he was look at it. Perhaps he liked the word WEALTH and Dollar signs on it!
If you do read this book review let me know Kevin you can reach through my site Learn more about 21 Connections
Kevin O'Leary website and more
Learn more Kevin O'Leary
Kevin O'Leary Fine Wines
Fine Wines
Kevin O'Leary Mortgages
Dvd Review: 7 Essential Qualities to Fuel Your Team's Hungry Spirit! by Ryan Walter
An amazing dvd where Ryan Walter Former All Star, Stanley Cup Championi, Team Canada Captain and NHL Man of the Year. Ryan Walter is now an inspiring speaker and masterful leadership facilitator
He share 7 Qualities of having the Stay Hungry Spirit.
1. The Quality of Visioning
2. The Quality of Believing
3. The Quality of Framing
4. The Quality of Deflecting
5. The Quality of Honoring
6. The Quality of Connecting
7. The Quality of Personal Resilience
Check his website below:
Learn more
Friday, May 17, 2013
Blogs to check out!
Ron Vereggen
James M. Burgess
Phei Phei On
David Gargaro
John Robinson Jr.
Joy & Love
Terry Hodgkinson
Paul Nazareth
Lisa Smith-Maxam HRM,CPM
Two Wheels green delivery
Susan Aldridge
Dr. Ivan Misner
Harry Che
Dr. James
Michael Weiss
Doina Oncel
Company of Women
Barb Sawyer
Brian Anderson
Coery Olynik
Suzana D'amour
Matt Green
Joe the Investor
Mitch Zucker
Emmanuel Lopez aka Motivatorman
Martin Bruckland
Alim Maherali
Green Galaxy Companies
Shannon Simmons
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Book Review: Chaos- How Business Leaders Can Master The Power of Focus
In was been experience to meet James Burgess in 2011 and since them we met at numerous networking events and seminar. Recently attended his book launch for his first book Chaos-How Business Leaders Can Master The Power of Focus. Below are some insight and strategies that I learned from reading his book
On your journey
It's About Your Life
"Your Life Primary Objective is about leading a life that is consistent with your innermost desires, core values and beliefs. It's a life that "feels right" every day and gives you a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning with every year that passes.You live this life intentionally rather than randomly."
It's All about You
" Your LPO is unique to you. It's about what you truly want for yourself. It's not about the obligations you have to others, and it's not about what others expect of you. Think only about yourself and what you want your life to be like. That's difficult for many of us."
On Focus
"Here is a final thought on focus, In the education system, listening begets learning and learning begets knowing. But it does not automatically follow that knowing begets doing. With knowledge comes enlightenment and a shift in emotions. But a shift in emotions rarely has lasting effect. There are simply too many triggers to prompt us to reengage in the unwanted activities which will only result in bringing us down again.Lasting change comes from shift in behaviour, not a shift in emotions. With this book I hope to motivate you, but in order to support that emotional shift, I also want to give you the opportunity to engage in a shift in behaviour through the various exercises that are included in the following chapters"
On Achieving goals
"We live in a busy world. Many entrepreneurs confuse activity with accomplishment. Many of us are so busy we find it difficult to stop long enough to ponder such things. Let's face it. We can never achieve success in life without first considering where we want to go. We wouldn't set sail on the ocean without some sort of destination in mind in the hopes of getting somewhere.Without direction, we would be lost and just drifting"
On Customer retention
" An important acronym to be familiar with is KYC or "Know Your Client". If you know your customer, then you can set up your communication interaction to match what they want. Many of us are engaged in some form of constant contact marketing to clients and prospects. So if we just blanket or bombard our customers with the same message, we run the risk of frustrating them to the point that they either stop listening, or worse stop being our clients. The tighter you can categorize your customer, the more effective your constant contact will be."
"Focus, folks! Focus and practice." James M Burgess
On Networking conversation
The focus Eight Step Sales Conversation. Pick up a copy of the book to learn what these steps are! Learn more
On Business planning
"Therein lies one of the most profound reasons we don't business plan effectively. Of our own accord, we simply will not stretch our comfort zone and intentionally commit ourselves to activities that may very well enhance our business's financial performance several magnitudes because we are scared of the commitment of having to do them. After all, if we know what the right activities were, and if they were easy to do, everyone would be doing them."
"Business Planning is important, it has been broken.It can be easy, fast, sustainable and entirely practical!" James Burgess
As you have read above the are many great strategies and areas that you can learn,do and apply to create long lasting result in your mission. Get a copy of this book and attend a session soon. My mentors always said "Put yourself in the position to win" all the time.
This is a resource that will enable you to do that.Starting today!
For more information on book and seminars
Learn more
James Burgess and Jim Pagiamtzis at book launch
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