Monday, May 6, 2013

Spotlight: Jim Pagiamtzis- Networking Guru

“Empower and inspire for entrepreneurs and professionals to Get Connected 21st Century”. That is the mission for 21 Connections.

21 Connections is founded by Jim Pagiamtzis who is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur from Toronto, Ontario.

Pagiamtzis explained the quote and what it means. “When I first got started, I was blessed to find two great mentors, and since then I’ve met many more. My goal now is to take that baton and pass it forward, and how I do that is empowering, educating, and inspiring people to achieve what they want.”

Pagiamtzis is an established speaker; he speaks to students about dreaming big and staying in school. He speaks passionately to audiences about serving, contributing, and becoming a leader.

He talked about two mentors that helped him and how he uses that help to assistance others. “My mentor served in to my life, and I feel that I can serve to others and give them what they need or what they’re looking for in their journey.”

He then spoke about a second mentor. “He taught me the systems, the tools, to understanding my personality.”

Pagiamtzis told me he is now a better conversationalist and has improved in interacting with others.
Since 2011, Pagiamtzis has been interviewing people for a feature in his blog called Spotlight. He spoke about Spotlight by saying, “It’s about others, I’ve interviewed 50 people since 2011, and it has been really humbling, and exciting to read people’s answers. It started with one, and then two, and it just took off from there.”

Pagiamtzis spoke about the art of networking and how others can benefit. “Every connection you make is an important connection.” He went on to say, “It’s how you position your story, it’s about being a storyteller.”

Those two quotes are examples of how Jim Pagiamtzis has mastered the art of networking. The term networking guru – if there is one describes Pagiamtzis perfectly.
To learn more, click on the podcast below.

Article by Matt Green

For more aricle click here

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