Monday, March 23, 2020

Costco adventure: Shopping Special #corvid19

        Friday March 20th

          We were in the 1st week of Corvid19 Pandemic and we had to go shopping!

      So we got our gloves and homemade masks departed to Costco near Downsview

       Parking lots was full and as we near the normal entrance we were directed to another entrance and what I saw was little funny and interesting. They had created an obstacle course using blue chep pallets that were in the form of a snake and with sign post to maintain 2 meter social distance.

      I entered the store about 10 minutes later and it was awesome! Had all sorts of room to do jumping jacks and run around. On normal days my personal space would be interfered with

          As I got to the check out many of the Costo customers agreed with my statement "This is how Costco should be all the time!"


Costco near Downsview

shopper doing shopping card obstacle course

shopping cart obstacle course

inside Costco

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