Friday, November 29, 2019

Resume to Review: 7 tips to make your resume sparkle

 Your resume is a constantly evolving until you get hired!


    Recently at the Canada Job Expo at Metro Hall in Toronto I spend some time to review some of the attendees resumes and give them feedback. Here are some the suggestions and recommendations that I made

 1. Put your name in the middle of the resume. Your at the Star of the resume. Don't put it on the left or right.

 2.  The top third is the most important part of your resume

 3.  Have a clear objective that is clear and concise

 4.  Use the 3 bullet methods, Share the top three duties you had at your last job

5.   Share the last 3 jobs you had that are pertinent to the role you are applying for

6.  Resume should be maximum 2 pages. There are some roles that will make it longer I.T, developers, special experience, certifications

7.  Interests, volunteering are important aspects that should be shared on your resume

 Your resume will constantly evolve and change on an ongoing basis until you get hired!


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