Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Toronto Raptors Celebration Nathan Phillips Square: Event Review

            Monday June 17th

            It was exciting times to be a Torontonian.  The Toronto Raptors are NBA Champions!!!

             It seemed like a good idea to go and be part of the fun at 8:00am in the morning at Nathan Phillips Square. So I packed up and went to join the fun.

               I got there and it was packed with people everywhere, I managed to get across the Toronto sign and stood waiting for the bus to show up with the players.

               Texted friends to get update on the where the bus was en route to us at Nathan Phillips Square

            It quickly became apparent it was going very slow and I was getting very thirsty and claustrophobic with so many people around me and my personal space shrinking.

              Decided to leave with few people near me and had a dangerous adventure going through the crowd towards Queen Street West, finally got to the street and found fresh air.

      I then made a error and went towards Univeristy avenue thinking it was easy to cross. By the time I got there there was no turning back. People were everywhere, yelling, screaming and being very abusive.

          Managed to hop a fence and cross university and head back to home safely.





Jim Pagiamtzis going to Nathan Phillips Square

Jim Pagiamtzis celebration

panorma shot of nathan PhillipsSquare

Jack Armstrong


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