Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Happy Death Day (2017): Movie Review


                    Jim Pagiamtzis Review:
            A superb movie to watch. Ground Hog Day (1993) Bill Murry played a TV reporter living the day over over, Has become a cult classic. Happy Death Day turns repeating the day on its head with this thriller / comedy as Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) plays her day over and over again. Getting killed every single time until she turns detective to figure out who is doing it to her and why?

 It will keep you guessing all the way until the end.Twist and turns and hilarious moments throughout the film.

    9 of 10 stars
                      Movie Plot:
                  Tree Gelbman is a blissfully self-centered collegian who wakes up on her birthday in the bed of a student named Carter. 

As the morning goes on, Tree gets the eerie feeling that she's experienced the events of this day before. 

When a masked killer suddenly takes her life in a brutal attack, she once again magically wakes up in Carter's dorm room unharmed. 

Now, the frightened young woman must relive the same day over and over until she figures out who murdered her.


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