It has been amazing 2018 meeting 250+ Celebrities at various events in Toronto area
Below in no particular order at the 10 Finalists
Frank DiAngelo is accomplish director, producer and entrepreneur. To see him direct is something of mastery you have to see in-person!
Hisham Qaddoumi Author, Speaker and partner in media company with Get Connected 21st Century. We met 2 years ago and since then we have done some private client work and launch media company covering some amazing events in 2018!
Sarain Fox is trailblazer that you have learn more about. She have sensational talk at TedX in October 2018 and I attended special event in November to watch her series RISE.
Terence Kings we met at the Waterfront Gala in April. He took my role! It's okay though we met afterward and gave the opportunity to join the Miss Face of Humanity event and a memorable night in August that I will never forget! I also am part of New Ways Project and Share Love and Spread Love movements.
Kirill Sakharov we met at Toronto International Film Festival in September 2018 and worked at the Scotiabank Theatre as part of staff. We had fun get the job done for 11 days. I also hired him to to work with me at the Google Cloud Summit and You Tube Music Canada Launch events
Lumos with Junior Achievement Company Program was a memorable six months to be part of amazing journey of group of students who created new product which they sold and make money with. Spectacular job by everyone!
Out There Productions with Melissa DiMarco was part of the Casa Loma and Imagine Cinemas activations. Melissa Dimarco and her team are amazing professionals who very good at their roles. Learn some much from Melissa a season veteran in TV and show business.
Todor Yordanov and Natalie Popovitch to amazing entrepreneurs who I got to little better on what they do and they impact they make in their communities. Natalia Popovitch has successful women group for many years making impact to the leader in the business community
Brian Mulroney attended his book launch in April 2018, Huge thanks to Brett Deguire. It was amazing book to read and empowering to listen to the stories he shared
Emilio Morales we have known each other for many years in the speakers circuit. In February I joined him as a social media volunteer for the Fintech and Funding event in Downtown Toronto. We partnered up in other events throughout the year. Hacker X, Global Energy Drive, TedX Toronto and You Tube Music Canada. Amazing collaborations coming in 2019
Special mentions to Elizabeth Rotenbery my agent for booking me on some many amazing roles!
Cast and Crew APP awesome platform to match actor and roles
Michelle Doiron a talent and gifted actress we appeared in some many film together
Jim Pagiamtzis and Frank Diangelo on movie set |
Jim Pagiamtzis and Hisham Qaddoumi in January 2018 |
Jim Pagiamtzis and Sarain Fox at CSI Toronto |
Jim Pagiamtzis and Terence Kings at Waterfront Gala in May |
Kirill Sakaharov and Jim Pagiamtzis at TIFF Scotiabank Theatre |
Lumos group in Downtown Toronto |
Jim Pagiamtzis and Out There Productions crew in December at Casa Loma |
Todor Yordanov, Jim Pagiamtzs and Natalie Popovitch |
Fintech and funding event Emilio Morales(middle) in white and far right Jim Pagiamtzis |
Brian Mulroney and Jim Pagiamtzis at Book launch in April 2018 |