Monday, December 17, 2012

Corey Olynik messge Dec 17th

This is a great season for connecting and reconnecting. I hope you're having some overdue conversations too. 
Highly successful organizations know their clients' expectations even before even they do. Think Starbucks. Think Netflix. The innovator organizations articulate things the clients don't know they want until they hear it said. It's more than just luck - smart businesses see the world through their users' eyes; they are in touch with how the customer feels, beyond just their technical challenges.
This week's question:   
2011 Photo

How well do you know the people you serve? What worries them? What are they hopeful for? What do they complain about? What excites them? What do they dream about? How well are you meeting their needs? If you were in their shoes, what would make your life easier, or more productive, or quicker, or whatever? Pick one thing; when will you test that out? 
 Learn more about Cory Olynik check out link below:

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