Monday, November 27, 2023

Does Steve Rogers fight well in Avengers: Endgame? (The Marveled! insight on MCU)


Does Steve Rogers fight well in Avengers: Endgame?
Not just well. Steve Rogers puts up the fight of his life in that movie. First, he meets his younger self and has to beat a man with the same super-soldier serum but over a decade younger and wins.
Although, it took some trickery, followed by an incredible knockout punch.
Then comes his finest moment: the battle with Thanos.
At first, Cap excels in just working around his teammates and keeping Thanos on edge, but he gradually loses ground as Thanos successfully outmaneuvers all three and uses them against each other. All seems lost until the moment Marvel fans everywhere will never forget:
From there on, Captain America goes crazy. He’s using Mjolnir for the very first time, but somehow puts together a brilliant barrage of shield+hammer attacks that drive Thanos back and give his team time to recover. He even summons a massive lightning bolt to keep the Mad Titan down.
For a guy tiers below Doctor Strange and Thor in power, he forces Thanos to work hard for a win. And even after taking a pummeling from Thanos and losing most of his shield, he digs deep inside himself and finds the will to keep fighting.
He’s exhausted, bruised, and outmatched, but the fight’s still in him.
And thankfully, he had enough energy to take down plenty of Outriders and Chitauri.
So Captain America did not just fight “well” in Endgame. He fought brilliantly.


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