Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Journey to being a pilgram for upcoming film Condor
I have been the acting industry since Fall 201 and it has been amazing experience to be on 22 various productions.
This day was going to be special from the beginning!
4AM call time! I have to be there at 3:30am
I brought some coffee and french vanilla for my fellow actor Sujit K Reddy
Next thing I see is lots of BG (background extras) turns out there 600 of us!
We started filming at 6:00am at a local mall and then cam back to the studio and did work outside infront of the huge blue screen! We did prayers, chase sequences! I didn't get out until 8:30pm!
I need few days catch up on sleep and slight sunburn.
The amazing adventures continues...
Jim Pagiamtzis |
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Sujit K Reddy |
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Jim Pagiamtzis and BG on set |
360 view of the parking lot with blue screen and truck |
Event Review: TIFF training at the Bell LIghtbox on Sunday August 27th
TIFF 17 is coming to Toronto on Sept 7-17 and I will be in two movies Downsizing (small speaking role) and Shape of Water (1960's Ad man)
Sujit K Reddy and I both got in as volunteers and going to be exciting to see some movies early. including our films!
Super Excited!
Event Review: Patio Power Summer Series 2017 at the Rec Room (Cineplex)
It was our fifth and final stop for the Patio Power Summer Series. Huge thans to the staff at the Rec Room for awesome afternoon.
Patio Power Summer Series at the Rec Room |
CN Tower from the patio at the REC ROOm |
Train mural outside Rec room |
Toronto Signo on Aug 26th |
The rest of the patios we visit from May to July
Journey (attempting) to being on Designated Survior season 2
It was second set to be on and it was exciting to be on show that had success in Season 1
I got there on time and that's when the fun began.
We went down to wardrobe to get fitting and we ended up being there way to long being fitted with the right looking fashion for the show that we missed are call time!
Ended up have some great conversation with some of the background actors and getting paid to do it!
People we reading books on Acting, Stephen King and doodling characters on napkins!
At one point I was charge 3 cellphone with my battery unit that I brought for my phone.
Vicki stricking a pose |
Charging phone wit my adapter |
Journey to get a new phone with SIRI
Wednesday August 23,2017
The new adventure begins with iPhone SE and more bells and whislts and of course my new digital girlfriend SIRI!
Book Review: David and Goliath
Jim Pagiamtzis Review:
"It's always great experience reading Malcolm Gadwell books. How the 3 strikes Law was created was interesting chapter to read"
Three thousand years ago on a battlefield in ancient Palestine, a shepherd boy felled a mighty warrior with nothing more than a stone and a sling, and ever since then the names of David and Goliath have stood for battles between underdogs and giants. David's victory was improbable and miraculous. He shouldn't have won.
Or should he have?
In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, or attend a mediocre school, or suffer from any number of other apparent setbacks.
Gladwell begins with the real story of what happened between the giant and the shepherd boy those many years ago. From there, David and Goliath examines Northern Ireland's Troubles, the minds of cancer researchers and civil rights leaders, murder and the high costs of revenge, and the dynamics of successful and unsuccessful classrooms---all to demonstrate how much of what is beautiful and important in the world arises from what looks like suffering and adversity.
In the tradition of Gladwell's previous bestsellers---The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers and What the Dog Saw---David and Goliath draws upon history, psychology, and powerful storytelling to reshape the way we think of the world around us.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Book Review: full speed through- The Morning Dark
Jim Pagiamtzis
"interesting and thought provoking poems!"
Matthew Tierney’s debut collection of poetry is full of trains and visions. From Japan’s subtle intricacies to the harsh realities of the Trans-Mongolian Express, Tierney captures the experience of movement and the freedom and dislocation of the traveller with potent imagery and persuasive verse. Whether searching for his own history in his grandfather’s past in Wales, or stumbling through a Japanese lesson, Tierney’s poetry pulls you into the experience, and through to the other side with a new appreciation of the moment. A strong debut collection from an energetic new poet.
buy book
Journey to being on Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury book)
Tuesday August 22,2017
Current film production by HBO Fahrenheit 451
It was great experience to have a small role in this film.
Played a futuristic subway passenger reading paper using VR glasses.
Stay tuned for the movie!
Elevated subway train |
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Jim pagiamtzis with VR glasses |
Jim pagiamtzis and Asif Nazerally |
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Special post: What would Jim Carrey do?
What would Jim Carrey do?
It was August 2014 and I decided to venture into the acting world. No experience, No idea what to do!
Couple of good friends had done some background work on films with Adam Sandler in Pixel and Bad Moms with ..
I started looking on Kijiji and Craigslist under TV/Radio for some acting opportunities. Didn’t take long to fine student films and a few feature films (more on that later)
They are like interviews / first dates of sorts. You go in sometimes with a script and other times with nothing!
The first audition I went to was at Centennial College (my alumni) at the Pape location where they have the Radio and TV classes.
They had full studio all set up with camera and everything else you can image for film. It was little overwhelming to see it all!
I go in and meet the young students holding auditions for their movie “Struck” I was audition for the father figure role which was very climatic first scene.
They gave me a few pointers and I did my best. Before I knew it was over and was escorted out.
Next audition I went for was for a small film called “Blind” that I found in Kijiji
I went it literally blind (couldn’t resist) and read from a script. Nikisha Millen who was the director gave me a few minutes to review and then she turned on the camera and recorded. I felt better comparted to the last audition. She said “Thank you and will be in touch”
The next audition was at downtown location on Richmond Street East. I walked in to this office and there was pictures of famous actors and actresses all over the walls. I really overwhelmed this time!
Few minutes later I was escorted into a room and give an air duster by the camera guy and he says “make this look sexy!”
I stood there dumbfounded and no clue what to do. It seemed like hours and then an idea click!
I said to myself “What would Jim Carrey do?” (recently I had read an autobiography call Jokers Wild on Jim Carrey’s life”
The camera guy sits downs turn the camera on and says “go ahead!” and then starts fidgeting with his phone”
I took a deep breath and started make stuff up “ I would use this to spray my hair, do my arm pits!”
The camera guy looked up at me and started smilling and looking inside the camera intently with a smile on his face.
I said “ you can use this to spray your friends in the ear and clear their mind when they don’ laugh at your jokes!”
He then started to laugh and nod his head in agreement
He said “that was great! I have not had a good one all day. Very inventive idea. I can see you are big fan of Jim’s!”
With that I was escorted out.
A week later I went to another audition at actor studio near Liberty village.
There three guys evaluation the auditions this time. I was really nervous
One of them say’s to me “dance with a woman!” I said “with what woman?”
He says “invisible woman!”
So I said to myself “what would Jim Carrey Do?”
Picture myself like the character in The Mask (1994) and danced merengue all around the room with an invisible woman!”
All three guys were smiling. The funniest part was there was guy on the second floor of the house reading a book who saw me doing this and he started to laugh and applause to me!
And with that it was over, the normal thank you and have a nice day!
Now you may ask what happened after the auditions?
The answer: I got them all! I was on fire, I literrlay have the choice of which roles I should do.
There was so much overlap with the productions that I couldn’t do them all. So of the producer were actually mad at me for turning them down!
It has been amazing three year adventure! Will be sharing some more stories soon..
The Joker is Wild read more
Monday, August 21, 2017
Special Video: TDC - KEEP PUSHIN' with SUJIT - Guests; FORWARD MOVEMENT #Accessible #Signage 'Dylan & Jonathan'
TDC - KEEP PUSHIN' with SUJIT - Guests; FORWARD MOVEMENT #Accessible #Signage 'Dylan & Jonathan'
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Event Review: Proof Vodka Bar
Saturday August 19th
It was an awesome Saturday evening to check out Frank Vicich Toronto Social Mixer at the Proof Vodka Bar on Bloor and St.George
Being a master networker is much fun!
It's always a great experience to walk in room and meet new people. This evening was going to be awesome to speak and learn from awesome professionals and entrepreneurs
Going into an enviroment to learn about people and what motivates them to do their business has been a exciting part of my journey of networking all over North America.
Can I have your card?
My favourite statement that I love to hear is.. "Can I have your card?" The reason is I have made an impact with my words, stories that they are interested in learning more!
Years ago I used to force my card on everyone. They call it "pray and spray" in the networking world.
Moral of this story. Be that person that they ask you for your card!
Movie Review: Eleftheromania (August 2017)
Jim Pagiamtzis Review:
" A powerful story that had to tolde of the sacrifices made by a few men that had to be remembered"
Read article by George Pappas read more
Jim Pagiamtzis and Eleftheormania Post ( I am in the poster!) |
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Prisoner going to their death |
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climatic end scene |
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