Saturday, January 31, 2009
Evolving Leadership Part 2 of 2
This is where the rubber meets the road. Any entrepreneur or employee who understands this component of leadership which solidifies the entire journey of becoming a leader.
" I am who I am, no matter where I am or who I am with" John C. Maxwell
From making appointments to show to meetings, its the responsibility of the leader not only to make but to follow through and be where you have to be. Make a commitment and not following through makes not only you fail in credibility and also the client will be aware of lack respect of it also.
Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day, salesmen, or real estate agents both apply the principles of keeping track of the daily routine. Through appointments or make cold calls , this were the effectiveness and being a professional join together and your customers will appreciate it.
In the journey of success being able to inspire not only yourself but the people you will be leading is important dynamic that every leader evolves in finding what inspires themselves from dreams and goals to be the example to your fellow leaders who one day they will be leaders and mentors.
Inspiration comes within you and is projected outwards in words you share and the actions you take. Surround yourself with pictures and create a dream board of people you want to meet and places you want to go. Look at it everyday and feel the moment of that achievement and use the energy to drive you forward.
As s three-time Olympian Ruben Gonzalez states in his bok Becoming Unstoppable. He had the courage to realize in his journey of the luge he will face obstacles. His bulldogs attitude which friends admired him for, went the spills and injuries and mental journey through mentorship of his coach was able to become the Olympic athlete long before he actually got his medals
You meed and find heroes along the way from teachers, co-workers and friends who will give you the encouragement to maintain your courage in whatever task you are reaching for to achieve.
"cowards die many time before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once" William Shakespeare
The above attributes are key in achieving success in the journey of leadership, you will readon of many more along your journey. The beginning may be challenging you will learn and grow as a leader, this will where the excitement will power you lifelong journey.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Evolving Leadership Part 1 of 2
In order to go where you want to be! You have set sights on distant goals to reach. Coaches and mentors are important to have along the journey they will be there to keep you focused and mentally prepared.
"life is daring bold adventure or nothing at all" Helen Keller
Sports athletes who are pursuing a gold medal have a picture in the minds eye achieving the moment standing on the podium and getting the medal around their neck, the journey begins many years prior through earlier morning workouts train in the gym. Having their coach encouragement and support them to the next level.
"Leaders can never take people farther then they have traveled" John C. Maxwell from his book Develop the Leader Within You.
Moving forward and realizing that there are bumps in the road is a lesson that the evolving learns from and moves on.
Learning a new procedure and system within a work or business environment requires patience and continued practice to learn. Many leaders take notes and take it step by step until procedure is learned within days or months.
Business owners interacts with new clients everyday and offers features and benefits that are applied to product or service. Ability to learn and apply them in a professional manners relies on the ability to adapt to with every objection and respond with the easy answer.
"Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit" Conrad Hilton
Everyone is a student of success. Ask any leader and they will tell you they are always either learning form their mentor or reading books on success.
Sales trainer Blair Singer once said " how many people have made a mistake?" What happened if you changed the word and called it a "learning experience"
Learning organization is a popular term that Fortune 500 companies are implementing throughout their business. If they don't keep there employees and manager informed about the companies ongoing success and how it will impact their business in the future, form internal intranet access monthly newsletter and social events. Organizations are understanding that only the future is manageable.
In the next article will discuss the final 3 attributes of Evolving Leadership.
Get Connected and visit your local library or books store and purchase or borrow a books on Leadership.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Great Books on Effective Networking for Career Success
Master of Networking
Building Relationships for your Pocketbook and Soul by Ivan r. Misner, Ph.D and Don Morgan M.A. (great stories from famous people and how they networked to success)
Power of Meeting New People by Debra Fine check out for sample pdf
Persistence Pays by Lori Raudnask (great tips of how to use and grow your network)
Check out your local bookstore or library for more great books on the art of effective networking and remember "Get ConnectedMake it Happen!"
Saturday, January 17, 2009

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There are many movies that show us great examples of mentorship from Hoosiers, to Remember the Titans to We are Marshall. There also great books that are resources on what to look for in a mentor from The Mentor's Mentor (by Corey Olynik), Fierce Conversations (by Susan Scott) or Power Mentoring (by Ellen Ensher & Susan Murphy) "What you read and listen to will shape your future" A mentor should be someone who is or soon will be an important influence in your life. They have walked the leadership journey before you and have experienced not only the challenges you are going through today, but will encounter next. This is of great interest for your success because you want to know what you will come across over the next bridge and that it will not surprise you when it occurs. Albert Einstein has a great quote. "The significant problems you face in life today can't be solved at the same level of thinking when you first created the problem." When faced with a challenging situation with a co-worker, I step away and repeat the above quote 5 times slowly. In the end I feel more relaxed and centered. In our daily lives things happen which we can't control. We learn a lesson from it and move forward. That's the sign you are growing and becoming a stronger person inside. Reaching the next level is what your mentor will guide and advise. Because of this they should be someone who you feel comfortable with and can talk to in a forthcoming manner about an extremely personal topic, your performance as a leader. Recently I listened to Ruben Gonzalez, three-time Olympian, and he gave a visual example of how when he began to learn the luge they didn't start him from the top. Had they done so he would hurt himself and ended his career on his first try. He started at the bottom and gradually as he became better they moved him up to different heights and stages of the luge track. This is how he began to gauge and handle all the different curves going at speeds of 85 km hour. Cory Olynik says it so eloquently in his book "...[a mentor] helps him to see who he is, see the possibilities, his gifts, his greatness. A mentor focuses on strength and not weakness. A mentor identifies potential and creates momentum. A mentor puts aside his own agenda to help his protege express his own unique talents. A mentor accepts the protege for who his now, and sees the potential of who he can be." Mentors will change over time as your career develops and your experience as a leader grows and will find and have additional mentors to adapt to changing needs business life and success. Get Connected-Make it Happen! | |||||
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
How to Market and Promote "YOU"
Description: Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee you need to market your skills and abilities.
You can’t market yourself 24 hours-a-day, 7 days week, there are tools that can effectively do it for you. Success is directly related to how you are perceived, which is related to your exposure in the market-place. Better credibility will bring more visibility therefore there must a specific intent of how you use online (internet) & offline (contacts) to promote your talent and experience.
For the past few years social networking websites have exploded as the new medium to promote you either personally or professionally. LinkedIn & Facebook can both be used in effective ways to promote your skills and abilities and business. A few months ago I received an email from a contact I had met at a networking event stating the features of Facebook and the benefits of being connected with him through stories and testimonials. He made an effective presentation. During the next three months I found school mates, received referrals and information on various events.
Increasing your visibility is recommended by many entrepreneurs and coaches. Research, locate and meet potential people that could assist in your employment search or expanding social circle with various authors, speakers and community leaders.
Create your own blog; it’s simple and free. Once you register, you get your own URL, which is like your own website. This can be used to write self-promotional articles about you. Or write a brief article on a hobby or activity you enjoy. This is a powerful and effective way to expose your talents and experiences in various fields.
Business Networking
There are numerous symposiums and seminars held throughout the Greater Toronto Region on a weekly basis. The importance of attending and participating is critical in accessing unadvertised jobs referred to as the “hidden market.”
Businesses know the significance of “Word of Mouth” as the best marketing method, so why not apply it to YOU. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for either a job or more business and tell them what your skills & strengths are.
Having your own business cards and a 30 second elevator pitch are critical to being prepared in talking to potential employers or business clients. While attending an event last year I picked up one business card which resulted in contributing to three online articles. This led to more visibility and to a talk that I was asked to do at an IT Job Fair in Toronto.
Follow-up with new contacts
As you collect business cards, the next step is to create a computer database of contacts you have made. You can use outlook or contact management systems (ACT) to update and maintain information.
Follow-up by sending a letter, email or phone your contacts on a monthly basis. Keep them updated on your search by sending a mini-bio of your achievements and experience. If you do receive a referral, make sure you send a thank you card, email or phone in appreciation.
Action will lead to progress, leading to rewarding results. “Get Connected, Make it Happen!”
Jim Pagiamtzis is the owner and founder of Payamgis Enterprises. He works with consultants, entrepreneurs and corporate professionals on effective communication. He will teach you how to get to the next level in your business, through prospecting, effective presentation-skills, and customer service. Jim has written articles for and has been quoted by, and Happy
He can reach at
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Making a "Healthier" you a reality
Utilize your surroundings as you through your day. Movement is important. Many of us sit in a chair for most of the day, so standing up for at least a few minutes and taking a brief walk can help energize you. Also, make it a goal to take the stairs at work instead of the elevator.
Before you get to work you can do some stretches, sit-ups running to start your day in an energetic way. At work, find an area and do some arm stretches, head rolls or walking. This will increase your heart beat slightly and flex your muscles.
Make physical acitivity a habit. As you begin to get in the groove of daily physical activity, make sure to do it for 21 days (time to takes to form a habit) and then it will part of your day in a effortless way.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Importance of Reading
Reading should be a lifetime assignment. There are multiple online & offline resources that are available to you.
Below are few topic areas to consider.
Everyone of success has a story from Fred Smith, Donald Trump (business tycoon) to Jim Carey (actor) their beginnings are worth reading and inspiring for everyone to “Go Big” in any venture. Heroes of yesterday from former presidents Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan have gone through journeys to have reach their level of success.
Success is defined in different ways from generating wealth to succeeding in business. For some it may be create money, for others it may be type of lifestyle they want to live. Perhaps having the ability to travel the world and visit Australia and different destinations in Europe or go an Cruise of a lifetime with family and friends.
John C. Maxwell has written over 15 books on various parts of Leadership from 360 Degree Leader to Failing Forward. We have been leaders throughout our lives either in school, sports or in social functions, its continuous process of learning and growing to be effective and efficient to get the task complete.
Living in a diverse community the importance and focus of working well together to have synergistic ability to combine our strengths and to work on our weakness, team activity allows that to happen and create atmosphere that daily issues are resolved and work get done either on the dock or in administration.
These are just a few resources that can read about for 15 minutes during your day either while have breakfast or while relaxing on the weekend enjoying the sun.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Effective Networking Skills for Career Success
Utilizing the PAR Strategy
Present - carry your business card its your billboard.
Adjust- being able to adjust your attitude to match the personality traits of the potential contact you are speaking to.
React- have the ability to react to questions and having answers ready and practiced to keep your potential contact informed.