Wednesday, November 30, 2011
4 Keys to Trust
1. Brightness of future
2. Building "likeness" rapport
3. Keep Small Agreements
4. Frequency of Interection
Lastly "It's all about them"
2. Building "likeness" rapport
3. Keep Small Agreements
4. Frequency of Interection
Lastly "It's all about them"
Monday, November 28, 2011
Get Connected Make Wealth Happen December Event
Lunch and Learn: Free Event
Monday, November 21, 2011
Jim Pagiamtzis speaking on LinkedIn in Mississauga on Wed Nov 23
November 23, 2011 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Maple Banquet Hall: 13125 Eglinton Avenue East, just west of Dixie
This event requires registration: http://www.business-connection-exchange.ca
Learn more about LinkedIn, build your list, build your sales, build your business!
Come and introduce your business to over 100 business owners and build your contact list as well. Join in some helpful discussions about LinkedIn and social media and how they can help you grow your business by networking online. Learn how to schedule it in your day; what types of things to post; and how to actually network on LinkedIn.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $20 at the door.
Tickets available online at www.business-connection-exchange.ca.
For information, call Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business at 647-287-0320.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Infinite Connections ~ Money and Effective Networking Event
Infinite Connections ~ Money and Effective Networking Event
November 10, 2011 - Screen Lounge 20 College St. Toronto, Infinite Connections events is a branch of Doina’s Infinite Solutions and agency that focuses in connecting Entrepreneurs and bringing them value through networking events lead by Doina Oncel. On November 10, 2011 Doina brought together two fabulous Entrepreneurs: author Dianne Ojar-Ali and Elite Entrepreneur Jim Pagiamtzis.
Author Diane Ojar-Ali provided expert knowledge on Money and Fraud. Her soon to be released book, Mrs. Fraud and You, Will You be the Victim or Victor when She comes Knocking? and her 18 years experience as a banker, had positioned her as an expert on fraud and money protection. She touched on topics such as “What to look for when borrowing money for business”, "Importance Of The Fine Print When Using Financial Services" in addition to "How To Protect Your Identity When Dealing With Your Credit". She then answered questions from the audience which were inquiring on fraud and protection tips. To find out more about author Dianne Ojar-Ali please visit her website at www.dianneojarali.com/
Jim Pagiamtzis, the author of Get Connected Make Wealth Happen had touched base on effective networking techniques beyond the business card showing the crowd how to stay connected after networking. He used the “Two Envelopes” techniques demonstrating how effortless it is to stay connected if commitment and effective strategies are set in place. Jim had brought in a special guest to the event, Patrick Bizindavyi, the president of Goal Achievers Canada. Patrick had shared his story of networking and connecting although challenged by the lack of Canadian experience. To find out more about author and Elite Entrepreneur Jim Pagiamtzis please visit his website at www.getconnectedmakewealthhappen.com . And if you also want to find out more about Patrick Bizindavyi and how to become a Goal Achiever please visit www.goalachieverscanada.com/.
To find out more about future Infinite Connections networking events led by Doina Oncel please contact her at doina@doinaoncel.com
Monday, November 7, 2011
Spotlight: Tom Kaufmann
Have the great please to work with Tom Kaufmann many years ago in the computer industry. It was been worthwhile to stay connected with him and enjoyed his talk on Cold Calling.
1st What got you interested in become a sales trainer?
1st What got you interested in become a sales trainer?
I found out a long time ago when I was being sold to that the competency of sales people was terrible. I realized that sales people were trained on products but not on sales skills. That’s when I decided that I had found a niche that needed filling. I also realized that teaching successfully was a skill that I had learned some time ago as a sales manager, and loved! I became exceptionally good at it when I realized that the only way to motivate someone to learn a skill was to elevate their emotion to the skill. No emotion – no retention.
2nd You teach a course on cold calling and how to make it easier to do. Can you share some suggestions
The biggest obstacle to sales folks developing a cold calling habit is their fear of rejection and fear of failure. The best way to get over that and grow one’s confidence is to (1) create a powerful scripts; (2) recognize that sales is a numbers game; and (3) to take rejection professionally, not personally. It is all about a mindset change that replaces fear with confidence and turns cold calling from an activity to be avoided to a sales growth habit.
Tom was born in Sweden, and immigrated to Canada in 1951, settling in Montreal.
He is a graduate of l’Institute de Technology de Montreal (diploma: Electronic Technology) & Concordia University (Degree: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering). Additional courses taken were Basic Selling Skills, Time Management (both by Xerox), and Basic Negotiating Skills. Tom worked in Montreal for such notable companies as Motorola, General Electric, Bell Canada, before being transferred to Ajax, Ontario. Being fully bilingual, Tom worked for many US based companies as their Canadian Sales rep. He has been in sales for over 35 years. The last 25 years Tom has run his own successful Sales Consulting business, specializing in helping Small to Large sized businesses organize their sales staff, and expand their territories. His specialty is sales, with a focus on prospecting (specializing in cold calling), and marketing. Indulging in his passion for corporate training and teaching, Tom not only teaches business courses at community colleges such as Seneca College, Centennial College, and Durham College, but also trains large corporations, such as Lenovo Canada (formerly IBM Microcomputer Div), in his Sales & Cold Calling Techniques. In addition to all his training and teaching, Tom enjoys giving seminars on various business topics to organizations and businesses; while mentoring & counseling Small Business.
He is a graduate of l’Institute de Technology de Montreal (diploma: Electronic Technology) & Concordia University (Degree: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering). Additional courses taken were Basic Selling Skills, Time Management (both by Xerox), and Basic Negotiating Skills. Tom worked in Montreal for such notable companies as Motorola, General Electric, Bell Canada, before being transferred to Ajax, Ontario. Being fully bilingual, Tom worked for many US based companies as their Canadian Sales rep. He has been in sales for over 35 years. The last 25 years Tom has run his own successful Sales Consulting business, specializing in helping Small to Large sized businesses organize their sales staff, and expand their territories. His specialty is sales, with a focus on prospecting (specializing in cold calling), and marketing. Indulging in his passion for corporate training and teaching, Tom not only teaches business courses at community colleges such as Seneca College, Centennial College, and Durham College, but also trains large corporations, such as Lenovo Canada (formerly IBM Microcomputer Div), in his Sales & Cold Calling Techniques. In addition to all his training and teaching, Tom enjoys giving seminars on various business topics to organizations and businesses; while mentoring & counseling Small Business.
Tom Kaufmann
Success Through Education
“We take the COLD out of Cold Calling”
Tel/fax: 1-877 or 905-743-0241
Email: tom@tomkaufmann.com
Website: www.tomkaufmann.com
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Great acknowledgement by Barb Sawyer
Thank you to Barb Sawyer for this
Why I love listening to you
One of the most fun and fruitful parts of revamping Write Llke You Talk--Only Better has been hearing what people think: about the bigger and better draft, how they used the first edition, the million and one possible subtitles, cover art and more.
When I started to revise, I changed the positioning to reflect comments from readers and workshop participants. I thought about how our web 2.0 world has supersized how much we write and read while transforming how we communicate. I thought about how this affects people whose careers and businesses are built on their expertise.
Because I wanted to make sure I was accomplishing my goals, I asked my newsletter subscribers to preview the new draft. I was thrilled by the many offers.
I was especially moved by the thoughtful and detailed feedback I received from people like Amy Sept, Liz Macgale and Jim Pagiamtzis.
I marvelled at the experiences of organizer extraordinaire Deanne Kelleher, whose story is featured in the new intro, and Mette Keating, who's using the book to write Waking Up the Zombies, about how the right office space can stimulate employees.
The secret to pulling ideas out of your head and onto the page, the new subtitle, was probably the most difficult group of 13 words I have ever written. I struggled with many, many catchy slogans. But people kept repeating that phrase. Thanks goodness, I was paying attention.
I also asked two groups, one professional communicators, the other small business owners, what they felt about two options for the cover blurb. Resoundingly, they went for the leaner version. Fortunately, the copy was so thin I could add a little flesh to respond to their comments and questions.
I was lucky to have Lucia Kuzminski of Outlook Research advising me on listening, filtering and responding.
Despite all these outside perspectives, sometimes I went with my gut. When I realized that the meadows and mountains of the cover templates offered by my publisher just would not do, I knew I had to head to the vanilla land of stock photography sites, where I'm usually marooned for hours.
But this time, there he was on the first page I viewed, the kid with the megaphone that you see on the upper right. The book talks about going to back to how you learned to communicate as a child. It talks about being heard above the crowd. What an easy decision.
As my designer puts the finishing touches on the cover, I'd love to hear more. If anyone has strong feelings about the photo or anything else, good or bad, please let me know. Last call.
PS Tip of the month: To improve your writing, listen.
Barb Sawyers
Sticky Communication
Why I love listening to you
One of the most fun and fruitful parts of revamping Write Llke You Talk--Only Better has been hearing what people think: about the bigger and better draft, how they used the first edition, the million and one possible subtitles, cover art and more.
When I started to revise, I changed the positioning to reflect comments from readers and workshop participants. I thought about how our web 2.0 world has supersized how much we write and read while transforming how we communicate. I thought about how this affects people whose careers and businesses are built on their expertise.
Because I wanted to make sure I was accomplishing my goals, I asked my newsletter subscribers to preview the new draft. I was thrilled by the many offers.
I was especially moved by the thoughtful and detailed feedback I received from people like Amy Sept, Liz Macgale and Jim Pagiamtzis.
I marvelled at the experiences of organizer extraordinaire Deanne Kelleher, whose story is featured in the new intro, and Mette Keating, who's using the book to write Waking Up the Zombies, about how the right office space can stimulate employees.
The secret to pulling ideas out of your head and onto the page, the new subtitle, was probably the most difficult group of 13 words I have ever written. I struggled with many, many catchy slogans. But people kept repeating that phrase. Thanks goodness, I was paying attention.
I also asked two groups, one professional communicators, the other small business owners, what they felt about two options for the cover blurb. Resoundingly, they went for the leaner version. Fortunately, the copy was so thin I could add a little flesh to respond to their comments and questions.
I was lucky to have Lucia Kuzminski of Outlook Research advising me on listening, filtering and responding.
Despite all these outside perspectives, sometimes I went with my gut. When I realized that the meadows and mountains of the cover templates offered by my publisher just would not do, I knew I had to head to the vanilla land of stock photography sites, where I'm usually marooned for hours.
But this time, there he was on the first page I viewed, the kid with the megaphone that you see on the upper right. The book talks about going to back to how you learned to communicate as a child. It talks about being heard above the crowd. What an easy decision.
As my designer puts the finishing touches on the cover, I'd love to hear more. If anyone has strong feelings about the photo or anything else, good or bad, please let me know. Last call.
PS Tip of the month: To improve your writing, listen.
Barb Sawyers
Sticky Communication
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Books in my resource library
Roaring 2000’s, The Harry S Dent
Roaring 2000’s Investor, The Harry S Dent
Executive Memory Guide, The Hermine Hilton
Living the Good Life David Patchell Adams multiple copies
Secret’s of the Millionaire Mind T Harv Eker
Enchatment of Opposite, The Patricia H Taylor
Little Red Book of Selling Jeffrey Gitomer
Amaryllis Way, The Derrick Mueller
Millionaire Next Door, The Stanley/Danko
Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz
Present, The Spencer Johnson
Maximum Achievement Brian Tracy *awesome book
Your Fist year in Network Marketing Yarnell
Monk who sold his Ferrari Robin S Sharma
To Love is to be Happy Barry N Kaufmann
Nothing down in the 200’s Robert G Allen
How to be rich J Paul Getty * great read with insight on success principles of the ages
Your infinite Power to be Rich Joseph Murphy * great read
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey * must read
Power of Hope, The Maurice Lam * inspiring and motivation read
What the Rich do! Jerry White
Guerrila Marketing Handbook Jay Levinson & Seth Godin
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Sean Covey
Think a Grow Rich Napoleon Hill * must read 3 times a year!
Start-Up Entrepreneur Jane R Cook
Sell’em Gunther Klaus & Jerry Koelher
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus John Gray
Business Coach, The Bradley J Sugars
If life is a game these are the Rules Cherie Carter Scott
Power of Intention, The Dr Wayne D Dyer
Letters of Businessman to his Son
Canadian Small Business Kit for Dummies John Kudz
How to master the Art of Selling Tom Hopkins
Tipping Point,The Malcolm Gladwell
Public Relations 5th edition Wilcox
Attraction Factor in Executive Success
Better way to live, A Og Mandino
In Search of Excellence Tom Peters
Peter Principle Dr Lawrence J Petr
Priceless Personality
Putting the One Minute Manager to work Ken Blanchard
And Dignity for All Despain, converse
Fifth Discipline Dr Lam Oihauser
How to talk so people listen Sanja Hamlin
One Minute Millionaire
Power of Positive Thinking, The Norman Vincent Peale
Don’t Sweat Sweat the small stuff R. Carlson
VIP Strategy Clemmer, McNeil * great read
Spin Selling Neil Rackman
Do’s and Taboo’s Public Speaking
Thinking on your feet Ken Wigor
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